new definitions

In recent years, I've had to change my definition of old.

I start saying, "well, I guess that person can't do those things because they're old." 

And then I remember my 82yo mother is 

riding her bike to volunteer at the public library

playing pickleball three times a week

planting, maintaining, and clearing out her front and back yards each year

hiking 5+ miles at a time with the Great Old Broads for Wilderness

reading multiple library books at a time from the stack of 20 she LIMITS herself to

asking her grandchildren about their fascinating lives

bookkeeping for local psychologists

to name a few of the many things

Now I have to say, "When I'm old..." and realize it will be when I'm 104. If not beyond that.

Maybe if I keep being willing to change my definitions, I'll make it to where she is.


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