Every once in a while I look at the job postings at our local university. (I'm waiting for the next steps, financially, which means that after February 28th I'll be actively looking for a full-time job, if God doesn't lead otherwise before then.) Today they have two. The Community Engagement Coordinator for the public radio and television stations looks way fun, but way over my energy level and social media awareness. The other is the Head Football Equipment Manager. Yes?? :)

My assumption is that in a few months I'll be heading into something new, who knows what, probably a standard full-time job doing something interesting but not vital. Sigh. Usually I'm an optimist, but I just don't want to leave where I am! I don't know if it's because I fit so well here, or because I am too comfortable. I also know that I have been led into completely satisfying things I'd never planned on, so my other assumption is that it's very likely God will surprise me.
For now I am keeping my head where I am, trying to be present in each day and follow what I need to do in it. Where I am, home-wise and work-wise, is a privilege.
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