We have a bed. Daughter #2 has a bed. Son #2 has an air mattress, and Son #1 has a couple of quilts on the floor. They seem to like it, though. We almost bought some bunk beds yesterday - but they almost prefer the flexibility of a bed they can pick up and throw in a corner. (It certainly gives them an excuse not to keep the room neat!)
We have a recliner chair, donated by someone in the church. We have a table, also donated, and a love seat. One bookcase made by M 35 years ago, two floor lamps that he bought back in April, and a good number of hangers. D#2 will be happy for the hangers once she has a place to hang clothes.
We all have our clothes out of our rolling bags. Hanging in a closet, "hanging" on the floor, folded on closet shelves or bookcases, they are unpacked. They are not necessarily settled, though, just unpacked and waiting for their more permanent homes.The mental and emotional part will take as long, or longer. A piece or two every day, some days none, some days ten. Daughter #1's experience (and that of many others we have heard from) seems to say it will probably take a full calendar year before we feel like we understand "here" fairly well.
We started this week, though. M and I ran the local "Four for the Fourth" race, with 350 or so other very sweaty people (photo via Sam Mckinney Photography). We have local phone numbers. We have library cards - in two library systems! - and have found all three branches of the Muncie library. Next weekend we will volunteer in the local triathlon.
And we'll learn who our government representatives are, and find out if Winkle became sheriff.
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