Football Begins!
'Tis the season.
Well, I feel a claim to fame that I never have before. The husband of my mother's sister (as might be said in various countries of the world) has been on national television the past couple of weekends as a replacement referee for the NFL! And today, I was the mother of the ball boy (#16) at the 7th grade football game. :)
When we lived in Minnesota for a year, 8 years ago, I went to Son#1's baseball and soccer games and cheered like a good soccer mom...I think I even had a camping chair to sit in. But I was never quite this special.
Son#2 seemed to have a great time trotting back and forth, holding, gathering and handing off footballs to the refs and coaches as needed. I sat in the stands and sweated for an hour in my tank top before wisely retreating to the one shady grassy spot in the place - next to the storage shed. I didn't see a drop of sweat on anyone else, not even the middle school cheerleaders in their TURTLENECKS. Black, to boot. They were admirably perky and cheery and well-drilled. Does every squad have a pose for the national anthem?
I don't remember the national anthem being played before every event as it seems to be now. I probably just don't remember; it's been a long time since I've been at these events. The season will fly by - there's only one more home game, and they're finished by the middle of October.
What a great experience for the kids. And, I have to say, much easier to make happen than activities in France. Far cheaper, and so much more parental involvement. Last year I just dropped him off at fencing and wasn't asked to help in any way. In fact, I would have been a nuisance if I had.
I'm looking forward to the next home game necessitating a bulky sweater and jeans!
Well, I feel a claim to fame that I never have before. The husband of my mother's sister (as might be said in various countries of the world) has been on national television the past couple of weekends as a replacement referee for the NFL! And today, I was the mother of the ball boy (#16) at the 7th grade football game. :)
I don't remember the national anthem being played before every event as it seems to be now. I probably just don't remember; it's been a long time since I've been at these events. The season will fly by - there's only one more home game, and they're finished by the middle of October.
What a great experience for the kids. And, I have to say, much easier to make happen than activities in France. Far cheaper, and so much more parental involvement. Last year I just dropped him off at fencing and wasn't asked to help in any way. In fact, I would have been a nuisance if I had.
I'm looking forward to the next home game necessitating a bulky sweater and jeans!
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